We Are Entrepreneurs

(Cohort Two Registration Open!)

Course Curriculum

    1. Disclaimer

    2. Welcome To The Course!

    3. How To Use This Course

    4. How The Course Is Graded

    5. Before We Begin

    6. Getting To Know You!

    7. What Does It Mean to Be an Entrepreneur?

    8. Breaking Stereotypes ~ Who Can Be an Entrepreneur?

    9. Why Should You Be an Entrepreneur? Unleash Your Potential and Embrace Opportunities!

    10. How can you become an entrepreneur?

    11. When can you be an entrepreneur?

    12. Welcoming Quiz!

    1. Ikigai ~ Discovering Purpose and Fulfillment in Life

    2. 101 ~ Knowing Yourself & What Ikigai Is

    3. 102 ~ Core Triangle: Unleashing the Power of Your Greatest Passion

    4. 103 ~ Core Triangle: Unleashing the Power of Your Greatest Purpose

    5. 104 ~ Core Triangle: Your Greatest Strength

    6. 105 ~ Your Triangle Becomes Your Base Project: Building a Strong Foundation for Success

    7. Chapter One Quiz!

    8. Assignment One ~ Ikigai & Core Triangle

    1. Remove & Innovate

    2. 201 ~ The Concept of Innovation

    3. 202 ~ How To Innovate An Existing Item Into A New One

    4. 203 ~ The Art of Innovation: Thinking Beyond Conventional Boundaries

    5. 204 ~ Examples of Some of The Greatest Service Innovations

    6. 205 ~ Shaping the World Through Remarkable Product Innovations

    7. Chapter Two Quiz

    8. Assignment Two ~ Remove & Innovate

    1. Intrinsic or Extrinsic Motivations

    2. 301 ~ Mastering the Art of Managing Teams: Key Strategies for Success

    3. 302 ~ What is an Intrinsically Motivated Employee?

    4. 303 ~ What Is An Extrinsically Motivated Employee?

    5. 304 ~ Interchangeable and Motivation Changes

    6. 305 ~ As A First Time Founder, How Would You Know The Team You Need?

    7. Chapter Three Quiz

    8. Assignment Three ~ Team Structure & Motivation

    1. Understanding Design Thinking

    2. 401 ~ Creating A Journey Map For Your Product/Service

    3. 402 ~ Using Field Observation To Identify Potential Consumer Pain-Points

    4. 403 ~ Creating Your First Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

    5. 404 ~ The Role of Pivoting In Innovation

    6. 405 ~ Having Your Own Steering Committee

    7. Chapter Four Quiz

    8. Assignment Four ~ Applying Design Thinking

    1. Valuation & Pitching

    2. 501 ~ Understanding Valuation and How To Valuate Your Start-up

    3. 501B ~ Additional 3rd Party Resources

    4. 502 ~ Different Types of Financing ~ Choosing the Right Option for Your Business

    5. 502B ~ Additional 3rd Party Resources

    6. 503 ~ How Angel, PE and VC Investors See Types of Financing

    7. 503B ~ Additional 3rd Party Resources

    8. 504 ~ How To Create and Deliver A Strong Pitch

    9. 504B ~ Additional 3rd Party Resources

    10. 505 ~ Can You Fundraise Without Losing Equity? Exploring Alternatives for Entrepreneurs

    11. 505B ~ Additional 3rd Party Resources

    12. Chapter Five Quiz

    13. Assignment Five ~ Creating Your Pitch

We Are Entrepreneurs Course

  • $199.00
  • 2 hours of video content
  • 36 Lessons + 6 Quizzes + 5 Assignments That Become Your Final Project To Pitch
  • Record & Submit Your Final Project As A Pitch To A Jury Of Seasoned Entrepreneurs & Receive Feedback As Well As The Possibility (Not A Guarantee) To Be Selected To Pitch Live
  • This Course Is Estimated To Take 4 Weeks

Check Out What Our Graduates Say!

5 star rating

Future billionaire

Elizaveta Bogatskaia

Thank you so much Suvon Creative for making basics of business creation accessible to everyone! I am a person who has already had a business idea but this course has proved that I 100% chose MY path. Additionally, thanks to all materials provided,...

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Thank you so much Suvon Creative for making basics of business creation accessible to everyone! I am a person who has already had a business idea but this course has proved that I 100% chose MY path. Additionally, thanks to all materials provided, I will be able to officially establish myself in the nearest future, without being afraid to fail. I gained confidence and needed base of theoretical knowledge that will guide me in this long, thus exciting journey of an entrepreneur!

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Additional Perks

Once you successfully complete your course and graduation application form, you will receive the following!

  • Official Transcript & Graduation Certificate (Both Online)

    Upon successful completion of the course; if you would like to receive a wooden framed graduation certificate, you will have the option to purchase one within your graduation application form for an additional US$40.00 (not including shipping). Alternatively, you can order a framed transcript for US$40.00 or get both for US$65.00. The certificate comes with its unique and verifiable authentication ID. It can be directly added into your certifications area on LinkedIn and shared on other social media platforms.

  • First Four Seasons of Suvon Weekly Newsletter Compiled (Online)

    A collection of weekly release articles created in joint by Suvon Studios and Suvon Publishing; both Suvon Corp. projects.

  • One Free "We Are Entrepreneurs" Mug Coupon To Use At The Exclusive Store (Online)

    A Suvon Corp. project aimed towards conscious production instead of mass production as well as the support of eco-friendly methods resulting in being carbon neutral and at times carbon negative. This mug is exclusive; only graduates of the "We Are Entrepreneurs" course are able to request one; the free mug coupon does not include shipping costs. Additional mugs can be ordered by graduates for US$29.75 (not including shipping).


To pass the course, a minimum of 70% overall score is required. To graduate with honors, a minimum of 90% overall score is required. This score is calculated based on the weight distribution below.

  • 20% From Quizzes

    In order to pass a quiz, a minimum score of 80% needs to be achieved. You are able to retake the quiz one additional time only (any further re-attempts will not be considered). If you retake a quiz, your score will be the average of both results.

  • 40% From Assignments

    All five assignments are interconnected with one another in order to form your final project at which point you would get the chance to schedule a live pitch. In order to pass an assignment, a minimum score of 70% needs to be achieved.

  • 40% From Pitch

    You will have the chance to record your pitch and submit it for grading and feedback by a jury of seasoned entrepreneurs. It is possible (not a guarantee) that your project may be selected for a 15 minute live pitch with a jury of entrepreneurs and investors.

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Join Us In The Excitement!

The Course officially launched on Pi Day (Thursday, 14th of March, 2024)!